Expat Wife: How to Step up to your Profile as an Expat Wife

Although the world is increasingly becoming a global village and more companies do not have to send their employees overseas, there are those who still get to work away from their home country. As an Expat wife you will find that this move will necessitate reinvention of yourself. You will need a new profile of yourself to suit the circumstances or you will suit the circumstances to your profile. The latter is more often harder to work out.

When the euphoria is over and the excitement has cooled down, you face the facts and you realize vacation is over! As an Expat wife, you need to face the reality and accept the change. Moving to a new country will affect your life, as you have to deal with new situations. The ability to adapt is essential, as you are the one who is going to fit in your new world and not the other way round. Acknowledge the change and work at coping with it.

With acceptance, comes taking charge of your life next in line. Consider your options or discover the new opportunities that life has to offer. In most cases, your Visa may afford you with employment or work rights in your host country. It is always prudent to consult with a legal professional on the legal rights available to you. This should not be limited to just to work, but extend your knowledge to property, divorce, custody of children, women's and children's rights and other laws that considerably differ with your home country.

You may find that although your visa allows, your professional qualifications lock you out from following up with your career. You should not take this too hard as the internet offers endless opportunity. This applies also to those who prefer not taking any formal employment in the host country.

Brainstorm on home based online business ideas that you could work on. If you are lucky enough, you may easily target clients in your home country and you will have something bigger to go home to. Involve your spouse and family to create synergy.

After ascertaining your possibilities, focus on your priorities. Plan on how your different roles as a woman will work together to create fulfilment in your life. Striking a balance is important so as not to miss other spheres of your life. Write it down as a structured plan and work the plan. Keep an open mind to the boundless opportunities. Working online is highly recommended, as you will have time to get involved in other activities and appreciate the new environment.

Being uprooted is not an excuse for sitting back and watching your life go by. The dislocation may take a toll on you and the family. Fear of loss of career, friends and sense of financial independence should not hold on you. Shake it off and work on not only building a new profile but also living it. In time, you will develop a completely new profile and wear different kind of hats!

Article by Bibi Apampa, a Wealth Coach and  Business Mentor who specializes in helping people create multiple streams of Income. Visit her website for Business Mentoring at  www.HomeBusinessMentor.biz